Posts by Brad Williamson

Stan Roth’s KABT Calendar Update

Stan Roth’s KABT Calendar Update

Stan Roth has provided his updated calendar–you’ll find a link in the left-hand column under KABT Info. BW

Vinegar eels in the classroom

Vinegar eels in the classroom

One of the easiest organisms to raise in the classroom are the nematodes known as vinegar eels. Recently on the...

A history of KABT’s web presence or why we needed to try something else

A history of KABT’s web presence or why we needed to try something else

Small professional organizations like the Kansas Association of Biology Teachers (50-500 members) face a number of distinct challenges communicating with...

A Blog from Kansas Science Teachers

A Blog from Kansas Science Teachers

KABTer’s might want to check out Jeremy’s and Cindy’s blog: stand up for REAL science. I’ve added a link to...



Pat W. has added the last three newsletters to the site–you’ll find them under “Newsletter archives” in the left hand...