Posts by Brad Williamson

IABT and KABT think alike

IABT and KABT think alike

J.R. Schrock sends word that the Indiana Association of Biology Teachers have gone to a blog as well: “We have...

An opportunity for Bio teachers

An opportunity for Bio teachers

The following was posted by Netia Elam on the AP biology listserv last night. AP teachers out there might want...

DNA sequence visualization

DNA sequence visualization

The University of California Riverside folks have been developing a tool that may be very helpful to educators trying to...

Congrats to Eric Kessler

Congrats to Eric Kessler

Governor Sebelius surprised Eric with the Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award, yesterday at his school. From the KC Star:...

A great opportunity–just ask Randy

A great opportunity–just ask Randy

2008 Frontiers in Physiology Fellowship: $8500 Summer Research Opportunity   Science teachers of grades 6-12 are invited to apply for...