Posts by Brad Williamson

New Feature to the KABT site.

New Feature to the KABT site.

KABTer’s: I’ve added a new feature in the right hand panel of the KABT News site. This is a feed...

An opportunity for KS biology teachers

An opportunity for KS biology teachers

Thanks to Paul Adams from KATS online. Here is a great opportunity for biology teachers in KS interested in monitoring...

KABT calendar

KABT calendar

Over in the left-hand column, you’ll find a calendar of events that might be of interest to Kansas biology teachers...

NABT, Atlanta

NABT, Atlanta

28 Nov-1 Dec 2007 Natl. Assn. of Biology Teachers annual convention, Atlanta GA

Natl. Assn. for Interpretation annual conference, Wichita KS

Natl. Assn. for Interpretation annual conference, Wichita KS

6-10 Nov 2007 Natl. Assn. for Interpretation annual conference, Wichita KS