Posts by Brad Williamson

Day Four–an Update

Day Four–an Update

Here it is Wed., day 4 of the this time through a Fastplant lifecycle.  I planted last Sat. which is...

Growing Fastplants

Growing Fastplants

Since many AP Biology teachers are trying to grow Fastplants for the first time, I thought I’d do a few...

Congrats Jeremy–this year’s OBTA for KS

Congrats Jeremy–this year’s OBTA for KS

Jeremy Mohn receiving his award from OBTA representative Kelley Tuel.  btw,  OBTA = Outstanding Biology Teaching Award. Hope to see...

Some info about Raising Fastplants and Cabbage White Butterflies

Some info about Raising Fastplants and Cabbage White Butterflies

A series of questions on the College Board’s forum prompted me to craft a response.  I’ll repeat it here: Sorry...

You’ll want to share this research with students

You’ll want to share this research with students

Check out this post by Jerry Coyne that summarizes research on malarial vector mosquitos.  Easy to understand exp. design, results, graphs and...