Posts by kyleesharp

2017 Spring Field Trip- Clinton Lake

  We hope you will join us June 16-18th as the Kansas Association of Biology Teachers will be hosting members...

KABT Spring Field Trip 2015 photos

Here is the Flickr album from the field trip to Chautauqua County, Kansas. Thanks for a great trip!

KABT Board Election Results

KABT Board Election Results

The results of the 2011 KABT Officer Election held on September 11 at the Fall Meeting are: President: Josie Stiles...

KABT Spring Field Trip: June 6, 2009

KABT Spring Field Trip: June 6, 2009

This year’s Spring field trip will be on Saturday, June 6, at Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area. We will be meeting...

So how does a Virtual School work?

So how does a Virtual School work?

This is a question I get quite often. I’ll introduce my school and its clientele, and then get into more...