Posts by Drew Ising

TBT: Fastplant Growing Tips

Editor’s Note: So, Brad Williamson is a pretty big influence on science educators here in Kansas and across the country. Here...

Reason #47 to Talk Soils with your Students

Reason #47 to Talk Soils with your Students

If you are a person that falls into the center of a Venn Diagram with one circle representing RadioLab listeners...

2016 Fall Conference Agenda

The KABT Fall Conference is returning to Emporia State University 10 September 2016 after many years alternating between the KU...

A Note Regarding the Upcoming Primary Elections

A month ago, our state was faced with a real danger of school closings over a legislative impasse in the...

CALL FOR PROPOSALS- KABT Fall Conference 2016

Colleagues!  It is my pleasure to invite you to fill out a proposal to share your experiences with the KABT...