Posts by Sara Abeita

KABT 2018 Fall Conference

The 2018 fall professional development conference will be held at the KU Field Station’s Armitage Education Center from 9:00 AM...

Call For 2018 Fall Conference Presenters!!

Call For 2018 Fall Conference Presenters!!

KABT is hosting our annual Fall Professional Development Conference at the KU field station on September 22nd, 2018. The fall...

Assessing the Science and Engineering Practices

Assessing the Science and Engineering Practices

I have been thinking a lot about the message that I want to send to students about science and reflecting...

2017 Fall Conference

2017 Fall Conference

Check out the link to see a list of the presenters and their topics! KABT fall conference (1)

In My Classroom: Reading Peer-Reviewed Papers

In My Classroom: Reading Peer-Reviewed Papers

Welcome to the KABT blog segment, “In My Classroom”. This is a segment that will post about every two weeks...