KC Science INC “I’m a Scientist” Pod Cast

A Series of Conversations Spotlighting KC Science Careers
KC Science INC I’m a Scientist Pod Cast

This is the first episode of the KC Science INC “I’m a Scientist” Pod cast—a series of conversations spotlighting KC science careers. Through our Pod Casts we hope to continue our mission of promoting science-related events, encouraging interest in science, advocating for science-based careers and inspiring natural curiosity throughout the community. We also hope to introduce you to individuals in scientific fields right here in Kansas City.
In this episode KC Science INC partner Jenny Bruenger of The Linda Hall Library and David Carson of the Johnson County Library interview
Biogeographer Molly Davies of UMKC Geosciences. Hear what Dr. Davies has to say about her career, her travels, science, science resources, and more.

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Want to listen right now? Download this episode right here, right now. Enjoy!

KC Science INC, and the KC Science INC “I’m a Scientist” Pod cast are partially made possible by a grant from The Partnership for a Nation of Learners–a Corporation for Public Broadcasting and The Institute of Museum and Library Services leadership initiative.

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