The Thin Green Line

There will be another showing Tuesday night on KCPT (HD2) of this terrific program. In fairness, I must give notice of some conflict of interest. My wife and I spent a summer in Panama with Karen Lips at El Cope, the latter person and place featured at length in the program. We were there before the streams went silent from chytrid fungus. Tough to see it now knowing all those amazing frogs are gone.

It also features Tyrone Hayes of atrazine fame, the Amphibian Ark in El Valle (Panama), and a variety of other researchers from around the world. If you’re looking for a great bit of media for keeping flagging attention spans in line as we head into the homestretch, the I think the program has some serious potential. At least I’ll be showing it to my seniors!

Jeff Witters

One Response to “The Thin Green Line

  • Paula Donham
    16 years ago

    Thanks for the heads up, Jeff. That fits right in with our current topics. And. . . actually the personal connection is a plus.