Spring in Doniphan County
Morels in moss beneath a dead elm.
This group of morels were beneath buckbrush, nettles and Virginia creeper at the base of an elm.
Hiding in the under brush was a clone of orchids (Orchis spectabilis), soon to bloom.
Fried up a batch a couple of days ago…MMMMM!!! I always go with the classic “fried with eggs and cracker crumbs.”
Wow, thanks for posting an account from Doniphan county. Love the photos.
Funny you should mention Showy Orchids. I’ll put up a post in a bit with some just about ready to flower.
Anybody have a good recipe to share?
I should make it a habitat of working in Morel hunting in the spring. I just never seem to find the time. I did purchase some and fry them up for my environmental club a few years ago.
So, I challenge myself and everyone else to have a celebration of spring in our classrooms by frying up and exposing students to these wonderful tasting cousins of ours.