Save Our Schools March

This is not directly biology related, but it affects all of us. I encourage everyone to try and make it to the rally listed below. Details will be forthcoming, but all of our classrooms are being affected by state and national policy, often to the detriment of our students. This rally is nation-wide. Kansas’ will probably be in Topeka. Will post again when I know specifics. Put this on your calendar and spread the word to others.

Kansas Families for Eduction is participating in the Kansas observance of the Save Our Schools March & National Call to Action on July 30. Across the country, people will march in Washington and in state capitals to demonstrate their support for our public schools and the vital role they play in our economy, our democracy and our future. More details on the Kansas effort will be coming soon, but in the meantime, save the date, and more importantly, SPREAD THE WORD: Post this on your social networks and use good old-fashioned word-of-mouth to make sure everyone knows about this important event. We need a BIG turnout to this non-partisan event to show the politicians that we want strong public schools and an end to the severe, short-sighted budget cuts that are threatening our ability to compete. Click on the link below for more information about the national effort.

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