Summer opportunity Upstate New York–Neurobiology

Professional development opportunity for New York State high school biology (Living Environment) teachers

Support provided for travel, lodging, meals, and stipend!


Neurobiology for Your Biology Classroom


Participants in this conference will experience neurobiology lessons that:

  • ·       Engage students in active learning through hands-on activities (case studies, “wet labs” and manipulative modeling).
  • ·       Integrate neuroscience concepts into high school curriculum topics beyond human physiology.  For example, genetics, evolution, development, and ecology.
  • ·       Employ a variety of teaching strategies that meet the learning needs of all students, not simply the highest achieving students.
  • ·       Increase students’ awareness of careers in science, healthcare and other fields that involve understanding of neurobiology concepts.


This conference is sponsored by the University of Rochester’s Life Sciences Learning Center through a grant from the National Institutes of Health.


Who:      New York State Biology (Living Environment) Teachers

When:     9:00 am Tuesday, August 7 through 1:00 pm Thursday, August 9

Where:   The Inn on the Lake, Canandaigua, NY 



Support for conference participants will include:

  • ·       Hotel for 3 nights (Check-in Monday August 6 and check-out Thursday August 9)
  • ·       Meals*
  • ·       Reimbursement for travel expenses (up to $250)
  • ·       Stipend ($300)
  • ·       Professional development certificate


* Breakfasts and lunches will be at the hotel.  Dinner will be “on your own” – at the hotel or at one of the many nearby restaurants.  We will reimburse up to $25 for each dinner meal (alcohol not reimbursed).


Expectations for conference participants:

  • ·       Attend the three-day conference.  Professional development certificate and $300 stipend provided
  • ·       Pilot test two neurobiology “core” activities and at least two neurobiology “extension” activities in your classroom during the 2012-2013 school year.  (All classroom materials and an additional stipend of $100 will be provided for pilot testing.)
  • ·       Present a workshop for teachers from schools in your local area during the 2013-2014 school year.  (All workshop materials and an additional stipend of $200 will be provided for leading a workshop.)



To apply to participate in this neurobiology conference, please complete the attached application.  Application deadline is May 1, 2012.  Email application to Amy Crosby

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