Johnson County Science Cafe

Observation of the Transit of Venus Across the Sun

Speakers: Kansas City Astronomical Society

Date: June 5, 2012

Time: Shortly before 5:00 pm – Sunset

Location: Coaches Bar and Grill, 9089 W. 135th Street, one block west of 135th and Antioch, south side of 135th St. Meet upstairs in the fire pit area.

One of the rarest of astronomical events, as seen from Earth, is the transit of Venus across the Sun. Since 2000 BC there have been only 53 transits of Venus. The first observed transit occurred in 1639 and then again in 1761, 1769, 1874, 1882, and 2004. After June 5, the next one will not occur until 2117. (I don’t plan on organizing a viewing that year.)

This is a perfect opportunity to bring yourself and your family and share this event. We will meet upstairs in the fire pit area. The KC Astronomical society will have several telescopes set up for viewing from shortly before 5:00 until sunset. Unlike most science cafes, we will not have a lecture. Come anytime during the above schedule and join us in the watch. Since Coaches is not charging us for the space, please remember to purchase a drink or food during your visit, no matter how short. Members of the Astronomical Society will be on hand to answer questions and help with the viewing.

If it is cloudy (not currently forecast), the Society will be on the road with its telescopes to points sunny. Feel free to join me upstairs for conversation but there will be no telescopes if it is cloudy.

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