KABT on facebook
Hey all!
One of the things that we talked about around the campfire on our field trip to Marshall Co. (AWESOME trip, Noah!), was finding a way to spread the word to new and potential members around our state. While I am either overstepping my bounds here, or, worse still, getting myself volunteered for something, I realized that there was a social media vacuum where KABT is concerned. I am a devoted member of the Twitterati, as are some of you, but most people seem really tied to facebook, so I decided to start there. If we do have a media officer/point person (Kessler?), I will gladly turn over admin rights to you, but I started the facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/groups/KSBioTeachers/) hoping to drum up new members in time to get people fired up for our upcoming Fall meeting in Lawrence, KS (9/22). From here, we can expand to Twitter, Google+, and other sites and use sites like Reddit or Evernote to help us compile news stories and articles that can be used in our classes to enrich and supplement this website.
Hope everyone is having a great summer, and are getting ready to teach students about Biology in a month(!). Can’t wait to see you all soon, whether online, or at the Fall meeting. http://www.facebook.com/groups/KSBioTeachers/
Drew Ising (@Mr_Ising)
This has forced my hand on becoming an official Facebooker… Thanks, Drew!
Great job, Drew! I see you’ve grow the Facebook group to 23 members! There is some pretty cool stuff posted and developing over on the Facebook site. You should really check it out!