Johnson County Science Cafe

Bring Back the Monarchs

Speakers: Jackie Goetz, Idalia Society (local chapter of Lepidoptera Society) and has tagged Monarch butterflies for 15 years.
Date: September 11, 2012

Time: 6:30 pm

Location: Coaches Bar and Grill, 9089 W. 135th Street, one block west of 135th and Antioch, south side of 135th St.

Monarch butterflies migrate to central Mexico every fall and back every spring. Monarch Watch is an organization which tags Monarchs and uses recapture information in an ongoing effort to understand monarch biology. Jackie will provide a live Monarch tagging demonstration with information linking to Monarch Watch and their ongoing conservation of the Monarch and its habitats. She will discuss the need for providing replacement habitat for Monarchs and other wildlife, planting milkweeds and native plants.  She will include thoughts about how individuals can take actions which will benefit all butterfly populations including monarchs. This will include information about volunteer opportunities in the development of a Pollinator Garden at a toxic waste site in Olathe.

Information about Monarch butterfly population trends can be found on
Powell Gardens conducts an annual Butterfly Count and has statistics available on their website.

Jackie has been raising and photographing local butterflies for over 20 years. She has been a Johnson County Extension Master Gardener for 15 years. Her home has been on the Home Butterfly Gardens on Jo Co Garden Tour in 1998 and 2008 and she participates in the Speakers’ Bureau for Butterfly Gardening programs. She has participated in Monach Watch tagging for 15 years with 20 tag recoveries and her home is a registered Monarch Waystation, #3. Jackie has provided local butterflies, moths and caterpillars for display at Powell Gardens’ Festival of Butterflies for 15 years and provides critters and tagging materials for Junior Master Gardener, school and community programs

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