KABT Spring Field Trip: Bats, Birds, Botany, Burgers…and maybe a porcupine

When I saw the dates for the annual KABT Spring Field trip (June 7-9, 2013), I was bummed that my family wouldn’t be able to go.  It was another schedule conflict that happens too often with kids and activities and life.  Since my class reunion only comes around once every decade, I decided that it should take precedence over an annual field trip.  But then…

Last weekend the KABT Executive Board met to plan the year.  I started listening to Stan Roth, longtime KABT member and Naturalist, describe what the field trip will entail.  We will be going to the Red Hills of SW Kansas.  If you aren’t familiar with the area, it is a beautiful and unexpected region of Kansas.  There are hills made of Gypsum layered with red sediment.  Because of the geology, the plant-life and animal habitat is slightly different than elsewhere in the state.

We will be primitive camping (there are outhouses for our enjoyment) near Evansville, KS in Comanche County.  Those that get there in time Friday evening can go to Sun City for burgers at Busters Saloon.  Saturday morning will have the KABT group caravan to various caves in the area to look for bats. We’ll talk about the natural history of the area and check out the local flora and fauna with a picnic lunch somewhere in between.  Dinner will be at twilight while we wait for the evening bat flight.  After dark, we’ll go road cruising for herps (snakes and lizards) as they come to warm themselves on the asphalt at night.  Sunday morning will be a driving tour east through the Red Hills and along the Scenic Drive before we all head home.

How can I pass up bats, birds, botany and burgers with the good folks of KABT?  Forget the class reunion (there will be another one in 10 years), I’m going to the field trip!  The camaraderie, sharing ideas and brainstorming when we get together is inspiring.

If you haven’t joined KABT or if you’ve never been on a field trip with us, come check it out!  Bring your family, bring your students, bring yourself.  We are a welcoming group that would love to have you!

If you still aren’t convinced, check out Eric Kessler’s video that demonstrates you never know what we might stumble upon on these trips!  …”On a winter bat survey trip in the caves of south central Kansas (February 2007), Stan Roth notices a pair of porcupines grazing next to the road. This video captures what happened next.  No harm was done to the porcupine, although upon reaching under the captured one’s body to hold it for display it was able to bite Stan on the hand.”  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAl_E0miFWk&list=UUg6qJFft3vWtardzpKLkPBA&index=62  Thank you for sharing this, Eric.

Look for more field trip details about exactly where to meet, etc. as it gets closer.  But, in the meanwhile, I look forward to seeing you around the campfire!

One Response to “KABT Spring Field Trip: Bats, Birds, Botany, Burgers…and maybe a porcupine

  • Awesome post. I think your excitement is representative of many people that plan on going this year. I hope every reader that sees this will seriously consider joining everyone for what will certainly be another fantastic spring trip!