Environmental Leadership Institute

The Kansas 4-H Environmental Leadership Institute, a joint project between the Kansas 4-H Foundation, Rock Springs 4-H Center, K-State Research and Extension and Kansas Association of Conservation and Environmental Education (KACEE), is looking for veteran and pre-service teachers to receive high quality environmental education training and serve as facilitators for a week long residential environmental leadership camp for 10-14 year olds this August 3-9.

Participants will receive training and take home Project WILD, Project Learning Tree, Teaming with Insects and Exploring Your Environment, 9 curriculum guides filled with hundred’s of hands-on activities and lessons.  50 professional development hours, lodging and meals at Rock Springs 4-H Center and a $100 stipend are also provided.

Please visit http://www.kacee.org/workshop-schedule to see the flyer for more information and the application instructions.  Applications will be accepted till all spots are filled.  Contact Mandy Kern, Environmental Leadership Institute Coordinator at mkern@rocksprings.net or 620-412-1725 for more information.

Please also encourage your students aged 10-14 to attend the camp August 5-9 at Rock Springs 4-H Center.  Participants will identify aquatic life, test predictions, measure diversity of plants, animals an insects, conserve natural resources, observe ecosystems, cast animal tracks, discover forestry, study animal adaptations, take a night hike, participate in an enviro-quiz bowl and skill-a-thon, learn how to start their own community environmental project and hear from expert guest speakers about the environment.  For more information for campers – visit the 4-H Event Registration page at http://kansas4h.org.


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