Fastplant Update Day 12
Perhaps I should have counted trichomes earlier this week. The plants are now so large and packed in that I tend to damage plants if I take them out to do something like count hairs at this stage. I checked on the water/fertilizer levels over the last few days. I mentioned earlier when the plants start getting full size they go through water much faster–more leaf area. I topped off the reservoirs on Monday but this morning, 3 of the systems were empty. They weren’t dried out yet so I don’t think there will be any problem re-establishing the wicking system. Still, to be sure I watered the plants from the top in those systems that were dry. As you can see in the photo, almost all of the plants are well budded and about to flower. I expect that they will all be in flower by Sat.–day 14. One of the goals I have for this account is that I hope folks realize that the time element required with Fastplants is very dependent on the questions you wish to ask of your plants but that growing the plants themselves does not take much time or effort. If I weren’t taking a photo now and then plus blogging about the plants, I wouldn’t have spent more than a total of 15 minutes to this point on the plants–beyond the preparation and planting day. In my classroom, since each system was shared by a pair of students I found that planting day was easily accomplished in a normal class period (if I had all my containers and such ready.)
Day 12