KABT Fall Meeting – Vote for Breakout Sessions

This year at the 2014 Fall Conference we’re trying something new, we want to have two breakout sessions where participants get to decide what they would like to talk about! Maybe it’s using technology (like BYOD) in your classroom, moving from a traditional grading system to a more standards-based one, or something else, the topics are limitless and we’re looking for your input!

If there’s a topic you want other to vote on that you’ve had to type in, put it in the comments so I can add it to the existing list.

So, what topics would you like to discuss during the breakout sessions at the 2014 KABT Fall Conference? I’ve invited you to fill out the form KABT Fall Conference Community Session Voting. To fill it out, please visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jxrCgGmCK78d0ykrafV8Ps8AyMjLUaw_KYav3K5HYg8/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

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