An opportunity for KS biology teachers

Thanks to Paul Adams from KATS online. Here is a great opportunity for biology teachers in KS interested in monitoring nearby prairies as part of their classroom experience. Check it out, includes a stipend and a 10 day workshop at KONZA.


March 14, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

PRAIRIES ACROSS KANSAS is a program to help science and math teachers use real ecological data in their classrooms. I am contacting you
today to ask for your help in finding those teachers who would be interested in monitoring a native prairie site near their school. The teachers will attend a 10-day workshop at Konza Prairie Biological Station near Manhattan, Kansas, June 18-27, 2007. A stipend will be granted to participants, and food, lodging and travel expenses are covered by the project. Please read the enclosed brochure for more details. Our website will give you an idea of what the program has done in the past years with schools in our immediate area ( We are now expanding the program to include schools across all of Kansas.

I am asking you, who might be interested in a long-term connection with Konza Prairie, to view the “Teachers’ Workshops” link on our website.
The program involves a minimum of one field trip a year to gather specific data with defined protocols. These data are entered into the Konza Environmental Education Program (KEEP) databases via the Internet and can be compared with data from schools in each of the prairie types across Kansas, short, mixed and tallgrass prairies. Expenses for travel (buses, vans) to the native prairie site near your school will be paid by the project, as well as some equipment and materials.

This year we are accepting 10 teachers into the June 2007 workshop.
Each will be allowed to bring one community volunteer (not another teacher) who would help during the field trip and data collecting activities with the students. The volunteers will be trained along with the teachers. We will work with the teachers to find an appropriate native prairie site near their school and to set up the experimental parameters.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. I am looking forward to hearing from you!


Valerie F. Wright, Ph.D.
Education Coordinator and Naturalist
Konza Prairie Biological Station
Division of Biology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-4901


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