2015 KABT Winter Board Meeting
What: 2015 KABT Winter Board Meeting.
When: Saturday, January 17th, 2015 from 9am-3pm.
Where: Noah Busch’s house (4513 Nature Ave. Manhattan, KS 66502).
Who: This is a meeting of the KABT executive council (see below), but any/all KABT members are welcome.
Note: Traditionally, attendees bring a food item to be included in a pot-luck lunch. There is a similar post on the KABT FB page. Commenting on the FB post with your food item will also count as a RSVP! I look forward to seeing everyone in January!
Executive Council: President: Noah Busch, President-Elect: Drew Ising, Vice President: Kelley Tuel, Secretary: Kelly Kluthe, Treasurer: Michael Ralph, Region 1 Rep: Jenna Shepherd, Region 2 Rep: Pat Lamb, Region 3 Rep: Eric Kessler, Region 4 Rep: Jesi Rhodes, At-Large Reps: Lisa Volland, Craig Ackerman, Chris Ollig, & Camden Burton, Past-President: Julie Schwarting, Web-Master: Brad Williamson, & Historian: Stan Roth.