2015 Kansas Excellence in Math and Science Teaching Conference

2015 Kansas Excellence in Math and Science Teaching Conference
June 22-24, 2015

Hutchinson Community College
1300 North Plum, Hutchinson
Stringer Fine Arts Center

Get ready for three mind-blowing days as this year’s Excellence in Math and Science Teaching Conference takes on a whole new format!  The best math and science teachers in the state will come together to dig into the standards, refresh and retool current practices and ultimately become leaders for change in the classroom.

Dedicated content area experts will work with attendees to address instructional and content shifts reported as being most challenging. Bring your team or just yourself. Either way, you will walk away with your plan to move instruction to the next level this coming fall.

During these three days of intense professional learning, you will:

Network with some of the best math and science teachers in Kansas;

Acquire ideas and tools from Kansas math and science education researchers;

Dig deep into the standards with strategies to move your classroom, building, and district closer to your vision for math and science education;

Take your teaching to the next level.

Go to http://events.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=823 for more info.


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