KABT Spring Field Trip (Chautauqua Hills)
Hey everyone!
Last weekend, I was able to go on a scouting trip for our Spring Field Trip with Ken Davidson, and Stan and Janet Roth. Having spent most of my life around Kansas City or the Flint Hills, I was in awe of some of the neat things we explored. I cannot wait to show you some of the sites we have picked out for you. Highlights include the only recorded locations in the state of Resurrection Fern and Poison Oak, as well as Royal Fern and (hopefully) Mistletoe.
We are still trying to find the perfect campsite, but we are tentatively planned to overnight at Elk City State Fishing Lake, before making the short drive into Chautauqua County.
Friday Night 5/29: Camping and camaraderie
Saturday 5/30: Poison Oak and Royal Fern sites before lunch, Resurrection Fern site after lunch. Dinner in Sedan, KS. Road cruise for herps on the way back to the campsite.
Sunday 5/31: Break camp, hike/explore trails around Elk City State Fishing Lake.
I remember hanging over the edge of that plunge pool with my son hanging on to my feet–trying to get a photo. Hope you saw some Painted Buntings while you were there.
I’m pumped to join the trip this year. I’m even bringing friends. Can’t wait!
I’m so jealous! Unfortunately I have a wedding to attend that same weekend. 🙁 Have fun and take lots of pictures!