KABT Winter Board Meeting 2/17

Members, Friends, Stakeholders-

Our annual board meeting is set to take place this Saturday, February 17th. Due to a forensics tournament, it has been moved to Baldwin Elementary School-Primary Center’s community room. The address is 500 Lawrence St., Baldwin City, KS 66006. The door to the Community Room is on the southern side of the building (furthest away from US-56 HWY) next to the gym entrances. 


Who: All KABT Board Members, current KABT members, and invited stake holders and guests.

What: Board Meeting

When: 10AM-3PM Saturday 2/17

Where: Baldwin Elementary School- Primary Center. 500 Lawrence St. Baldwin City, KS 66006

Why: To discuss old business, upcoming professional development, Spring Field trips, possible by-law changes (to be voted on later), other new business from KABT members.

I will post minutes from the previous meeting here along with the agenda for this meeting when it is available.

Please direct any questions to andrewising(at)gmail(dot)com or 913-795-1247.

Hope to see you all soon!

Drew Ising, KABT President

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