Coverage of another primate genome

Coverage of another primate genome

Carl Zimmer at his blog the Loom , has a good article covering a new paper in Science on the...

Evolutionary Adaptation

Evolutionary Adaptation

There are any number of essays that work to explain the evolutionary process. An exceptionally well done essay recently appeared...

Miller-Urey Experiment Redux

Miller-Urey Experiment Redux

Jonathon Wells from the Discovery Institute and supporter of Intelligent design has suggested in his criticisms that science and particularly...

More on Mammal Evolution

More on Mammal Evolution

With the Cenozoic fossil record in Nebraska and some parts of Kansas, I would think that using mammal evolution as...

Analogies in Biology teaching

Analogies in Biology teaching

One of the essential tools in a biology teacher’s tool kit is the analogy. Analogies help students to form their...